Today, I need to vent a little.
I’m not going to name names or get too specific. I don‘t want to upset anyone, I just need to get this off of my chest.
I fucking hate it when people don’t listen to me. (so much swearing-- cute girl calm down!)
Someone very near and dear to me, we’ll call this person Blu, keeps allowing this person, we’ll call the person X, into their life even though X repeatedly takes advantage of them.
X is the type that will never try to help you if you don’t pay them to first. It frustrates me that I’ve pointed this out repeatedly to Blu and yet it does no good.
Two months ago Blu paid X $80 bucks to do something, cause X needed money. X gladly pockets money, promises to help Blu the next day, and then vanishes from the face of the earth. We didn’t see or hear from X for over two weeks, at which point it was too late for X to help out Blu.
X had done something similar in the past, where X had borrowed $60 bucks and promised to pay it back, but never did, so for Blu this was the last straw. Blu managed to track down X and demand the money back. This was very out of character because Blu is one of the most generous and forgiving people I know, so for Blu to go this far, it was serious.
(All this talk about Blu’s and X’s. Feel like I’m talking about cartoon characters LOL)
X came up with some excuse, but Blu didn’t buy it. They had an argument and then Blu stormed away, done with the friendship forever. Needless to say, I was very happy that Blu had finally finished with X, although I was sad how things had ended.
It’s like, I wanted Blu to be free of this person, but not at the expense of Blu’s happiness and optimism in others. As you can see, Blu means a lot to me, otherwise none of this would bother me so much I’d take to blogging about it.
Anyway, all was well and dandy, or at least so I thought.
Today, I decided to drop in for a random visit to Blu and guess who’s over, hanging out and looking smug as bear? X.
I can’t even put into words how stunned and then frustrated I was to see that X had weaseled their way back into Blu’s good graces.
I didn’t even speak or look at X, I just kept giving Blu a “what the hell” face. At least Blu had the decency to look ashamed. But in the end, it was decided by Blu that X would be given another chance and nothing I could say would change that.
I just… I don’t get it. Every single time I’ve said, “X is bad news,” X would then prove me right by doing something despicable, but Blu would always forgive.
I get that part of being a good person is learning to forgive others, but I also think that doesn’t mean you have to keep a negative person in your life. Negative people bring about negative situations. By keeping X as a friend, Blu is welcoming in all the negativity X brings. The negativity then rolls onto me, because I am very protective of Blu.
I guess at this point, I just have to let go of this whole situation. By that I mean whenever Blu comes to me to talk about X, I will just change the subject and let Blu know that I have officially done giving advice on a situation where the advice is ignored anyway.
I’m sad, though, cause it kinda feels like I’m giving up my friend to a situation that will very likely turn bad again. But every time I say something, it is ignored and I am told I am too harsh on people.
I am harsh on people, okay, but only if they hurt the ones I care about. You can try to hurt me, too, but it takes a lot to get to me on a personal level.
Fucking hell.
I guess venting has helped a little. I don’t feel nearly as riled up as I did before. Just a little sad.
Ah well. Things will get better. They always do.
Bye sweets. <3
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