(So, this is supposed to help as an anger outlet thingy. It's completely over the top and very exaggerated. Also, where the fuck have I been??? Being tortured by the person who brought you this blogpost.... verbally and through snide comments, never outright, of course. You'll get what I mean in a second...)
Do you have time to sit and listen to me rant about how I’ve worked so hard throughout my life and because of this the world owes me EVERYTHING??? In fact, you owe me stuff, too. I’ll tell you about it later, using half-assed logic.
Anyway, my favorite thing to do is to bitch and moan about this 24 year old girl. I’m a 43 year old man with lots of grays and I like to think myself quite the distinguished gentleman, particularly when I do things like knock in her door and break half of my mother’s dishes in a fit of rage.
But it’s all the 24 year old’s fault, of course.
See, I come from a time when things were difficult and I had to struggle and the entire world underestimated me, so I decided to get back at authority often by loudly and angrily asserting my OWN authority.
This resulted in me hanging on to the “same” job in many different counties and states, because I just couldn’t seem to get along with my boss. As if ANYONE has the right to tell me what to do! Even if that is what I signed up for when I took the job….
The point is that I’m really charming and people love me, even though I frequently talk shit about them behind their back, I make them laugh when they’re around me, which is what counts. After all, I worked harder than them my whole life, which makes me better than everyone else.
But back to the point. So this 24 year old girl thinks she can get away with speaking her opinion about me (which is inaccurate, I mean, who doesn’t think I’m wonderful, because I AM) and she does it to my face! Plus, she‘s lazy. I mean, yea so what if you cook for yourself and clean up after yourself when you’re done. You’re a woman. And just like my wife, when I eat it’s your job to clean up after me. When I cook, I will leave the pot on the stove, full of grease and bits of food and it will be your job to take care of my mess.
I make it up by sweeping and mopping the floors a couple of times a week and then reminding everybody everyday that I do these things.
Oh and thanks for taking care of my mom, 24 year old girl I hate.
Oh and thanks for not minding that I take full credit for a lot of what you do for her.
After all, she’s my mom which means that everything you do for her is technically something that I am doing for her, which makes sense considering that this is my house- even though it’s hers. But she’s MY mother, so it works.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is I’m on a mission to get this 24 year old bitch out of this house.
I don’t give a damn if she doesn’t have anywhere else to stay and we live in an area where minimum wage just isn’t gonna get the rent or bills paid. She don’t like me.
That bothers me, because everyone should like me. I’m completely wonderful, after all. And the bitch is lazy. She don’t like doing my dishes.
So I’m gonna keep saying things outside of her door when it’s closed to try to bother her. And I’m gonna keep trying to push her buttons, so that she flies off in a rage and breaks something and then
Imma call the cops on her ass and tell the police we don’t feel safe with her here. It’s not like she called the cops when I broke half the dishes and punched in her door. But I’ll do that to her so that she can get her ass out of here and my life will be good.
But even when she’s gone she better still bring her ass over here to take care of my momma that raised her, even though when she‘s here I‘m still gonna give her a hard time, because that‘s just how incredibly consistent I am.
And I got everyone on my side, because instead of telling people what I’m like, she tries to keep it to herself and figure out ways to deal with it like a grown up, instead of complaining to anyone who will listen about me, like I do to her.
She just do not know how to play this game.
Anyway, I gotta go. Got to think of another way to piss off this bitch. I’ll get her ass eventually.
I don’t care if she is my niece.
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