Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Can't Think of Something Good To Call This Post


As you can see, March was the month everything started going wrong.

The most important person in my life got really sick. And I... didn't realize how bad it was until he was hospitalized.

And then he couldn't get enough energy to stay awake very long.

And then he stopped waking up at all.

And then he died.

I'm still not okay.

I get that things happen in this world, but my life has been on drama overdose during this whole incident and well after.

True, I have become a stronger person due to everything.

But I'd really like it to stop now. 

The previous post gives you some idea of what things have been like, but there's much more to the story. Someday, I'll air out everything, but for now I just needed to vent. I still want this blog to be happy and full of things I like and (eventually) pictures of things.

I even have blog posts written out that I'll get around to posting eventually. So, this thing isn't dead.

It's just... on a brief hold. I'm still determined to make this place my escape.

I really hope your lives are full of happiness and adventure and the you tell the person who means the most to you how much you love them as much as you can.

Stay strong, sweets. <3

Lola loves you.

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